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From the series Paradoxes of Plenty, Navdanya (9 seeds) #40, #41, #42, 2021.
Drawing and collage, 123 x 93 cm, frame, pass partout, museum glass

In fact, women have always been the greatest experts on and guardians of biodiversity.
They have been the keepers of seeds, the producers......

The health emergency calls for a food revolution

The recent health emergency has woken us up to the fact that what we eat and how we grow our food is a matter of life and death. Science tells......

A little virus has “locked down” the world. It has shut down the global economy. It has snuffed out the lives of thousands and livelihoods of millions. What is the coronavirus telling us about ourselves as the human species, our dominant economic a...

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About Navdanya

Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.

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