I was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s spinning wheel (charkha) to start saving our indigenous seeds in 1987. A century ago, Gandhi made the charkha an instrument for freedom from the British Empire, which was an “empire of cotton”. Today we save indigenous seeds for freedom from seed monopolies in the hands of agrochemical and pharmaceutical giants such as Bayer Monsanto. One could call it an empire over life or bioimperialism.

Both the charkha and the seed embody freedom from fossil fuels, which have changed the trajectory of human evolution, bringing us to the brink of extinction.

And it is Gandhi and the spinning wheel which show the way for freedom in our times, the existential freedom to have a future as a species on our beautiful, generous, abundant, living earth.
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About Navdanya

Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.

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